In-house Laboratory
Laboratory work is invaluable to investigate many equine diseases – no matter how thorough our vets are, not every diagnosis can be reached by physical examination alone.
Results are often given on the same day with meaningful interpretation by our experienced equine vets.
We offer a wide range of clinical pathology services including:
haematology and biochemistry blood tests, used for routine health monitoring and emergency cases
assessment of joint fluid and abdominal fluid
worm egg counts and tapeworm saliva testing
skin scrapings for parasites
bacteriological culture
immunoglobulin level testing in foals
All of our test procedures are carried out under our strict quality control protocols
We also have direct access to specialist external laboratories in the UK which can provide:
more comprehensive testing if required
hormone testing including testing for equine Cushing’s disease
histology examination (examination of tissues)
testing for contagious diseases including strangles and contagious equine metritis